Cheating at Video Games

This post isn't exactly about cheating or pointing out anyone who is cheating, rather it's about being called a cheater over and over. Anywhere in life where someone is excelling there's always someone else in the background telling others that said person didn't get where they are because of hard work, talent, etc.

Unfortunately, I still play COD: Ghosts. It's rather easy to still find a lobby. I was never sold on the space like futuristic installments in the series. At the time I was playing Destiny and was getting my double jump fill from that. My KD as it stands at this point in time is a 1.87 with a win-loss ratio of 3.3. This by all means is pretty good for Ghosts. There are still a few people that I play with or against that carry a K/D above 2.0. 

I didn't start out this way though. When I first started playing I was long removed from playing FPS games for several years and got destroyed handily even by mediocre players. My initial K/D was 0.66 and I sat in corners or covered certain areas just because I wasn't fast enough or I thought I wasn't. 

Eventually, I tried the run and gun format before the end of the game's popularity. Funny enough my camping days served me well as I knew all the regular camping spots. My playing piano and drums for over 20 years also served my reflexes well. I've played long enough to know where I can wall bang, how to pre-aim a spot coming around a corner, that the amplify perk will allow me to hear enemies running on the other side of obstacles, and running the support kill streak system is much more beneficial when using oracle than just about anything else. 

I've gathered my fair share of crazy kill clips including, wall bangs, jump shots, 180 kills, and more. I try to keep my trash talking to a minimal because I really see no need for it. I'd rather let my gun in game do the talking. 

What's funny is that when I was bad at the game people called me garbage for camping or going 4-14 in play. Now that I can actually run with some of the best players they call me garbage for cheating. 

Understand that I still have an original Xbox One and the plastic stock controller that comes with it. At any point now the left analog stick will fall off because it's worn down so much. I don't see the need to cheat and I don't feel that cheating will every actually make you better at something.

In any COD team death match game it's easy to figure out what a single player will do. If they prefer a heavy weapon and have significantly less kills than during the lifetime of the game (a stat you can see), then I assume they are going to camp. 

Story 1:

I played against a group of three individuals. Two players were around a 1.0-1.2 K/D. Their buddy was at a 2.1 K/D. I noticed his favorite weapon was a heavy machine gun. I assumed he was going to sit in corners. My prediction was right. He kept to the typical corners and I was able to out gun him. They left after two games against me and sent me a few messages claiming I was cheating. A high K/D doesn't mean anything. Anyone who consistently goes 5-2 will have a K/D over 2.0. I'd rather consistently go 22-12. 

Story 2: 

There is a clan that still plays together on COD:Ghosts. I have no problem with any of them. However, their one clan member insists that I cheat and not only has me blocked but will avoid playing with me at all costs unless they happen to be in the middle of a game and I join in on their team randomly. She has called me a "cheating piece of s***" and more. She is a camper and not very good at it either. She sits in typical spots and needs her clan mates to push people her direction or she won't get any kills during a game. 

Most people who aren't fast at a COD game will often use perks that allow them to hide. This often means they are sacrificing noise discipline and speed for concealment. I prefer to use speed to cut off their routes and out maneuver most of their less than stellar aim. 

Story 3:

I was playing with a group of my regular teammates when someone in the lobby insisted we were cheating. This was after they stated that they don't take the game seriously. They then proceeded to argue with a person on my team on why they thought he was a cheater. This same person also admitted they needed to camp because we were better, that they really didn't care, and that they had a real life. Ok I get it. You haven't played as much as we have and some of the people I run with have Scuf controllers. I don't really consider it cheating but some do. If you know what you're doing you can easily counter it by being faster or aiming lower. The only thing they can do that a regular person can't is drop shot smoothly. I can jump, aim, and shoot. It's not difficult. It just takes some practice and coordination.

Story 4:

I've played against a certain player several times who has a K/D ratio close to mine but significantly less lifetime kills and points even though they have more time played than myself. Why? Because they are a camper first, runner second. They also use a perk in Ghosts called "danger close" which increases the damage of explosives and the explosive range. There is no perk to counter this besides clearing their I.E.Ds and avoiding any noob tubes they launch. I made a similar class but incorporated speed perks. I would figure out where he was at and just tube him. I also jump shot a few a his buddies and they insisted I had to be cheating. There was no way I was better than the four of them in their minds. 

I'm not trying to brag by any means. I just want to play competitively. That's how I enjoy FPS games. I think anyone can learn a system that fits people's style of play but bolding stating you know someone is cheating when they are smarter and better at something than you is really annoying. I figured it out in Ghosts and am anxiously waiting the chance to figure out the system again when COD: WWII drops later this year. 

If you really want to get better, study players that beat your. Figure out what they do and replicate it. I have no problem running against any of the people left in the top 200 of the game. I can even hold my own against the #1 rank Xbox One team death match player. He's good (mostly because that's all he does) but I always feel good he won't curb stomp me. 

Whatever you do, just stop assuming someone is cheating because they beat you. If you have actual evidence then you have a responsibility to report it. If not, stop whining because it doesn't help your ability or your case.


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