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Playing Destiny 2?

Destiny 2 has been out for a few weeks now. There has been a lot of hype, articles, and plenty of commercials pushing this game. When the first Destiny came out I remember being excited to play a MMORPG again. I had played WoW for several years and put it by the wayside simply because I didn't have time with a young child and a demanding job. This was essentially going to be my fix. I understood that the game wasn't going to be as demanding as WoW and that it was going to be on a lesser content level. I get it. Destiny was something to cater to casual players and some hardcore. The initial game was great. Destiny was and still is a solid shooter. This aspect still carries over into Destiny 2. I thoroughly enjoyed the $60 I spent on the game. There were aspects I did and didn't like. For example, I don't really like the engram system. I don't think almost all the loot should be based on RNG. Limiting the table for strikes and certain hard missions would hav...

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